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Han dicho
(This article is only available in Spanish) 
Sergi Dies: "Quizá lo que más me impresiona tras el visionado de “Camino Incierto” es constatar la profunda honestidad y la valiente transparencia con la que Pablo sigue enfrentándose al oficio del cine de idéntica manera, trabajando como poca gente los mismos conceptos, lugares, personas, y con frecuencia hasta planos"  
Texto completo en Blog de FILMIN
Sergi Dies, montador, entre otras películas, de 'Entre dos aguas', 2018 de Isaki Lacuesta, 'Familystrip' 2009 de Luis Miñarro, 'El taxista Full', 2005 de Jo Sol o 'Monos como Becky', 1999 de Joaquín Jordà...
Fabricio Caivano:"Revisar los tiempos del esplendor en la hierba y del presente contradictorio, hacerlo frente a una cámara-espejo poéticamente indagadora, filmar sin pudor el propio camino recorrido, es sin duda un empeño arriesgado. Pero ese empeño cristaliza aquí en una presencia de belleza: un relato cinematográfico de alto voltaje, pero de resultado sereno, apacible como las aguas de un río en su tramo final. Una nueva joya de Pablo García como el espectador podrá acreditar." 
Ver texto completo aquí. 
Fabricio Caivano, Periodista y Fundador de Cuadernos de pedagogía.  
Carlos Skliar:"En el mundo de Camino incierto de Pablo García de Pérez de Lara hay una brisa que mueve los árboles, caminos que conducen hacia los altibajos del terraplén, esos instantes en que la animalidad de lo humano y la humanidad de lo animal se entremezclan, se confunden y parecen comprenderse." 
Texto completo en Blog de FILMIN
Carlos Skliar, investigador y escritor argentino  (autor argentino de "No tienen prisa las palabras", "Hablar con desconocidos", "Escribir tan solos", "La inútil lectura" o "Como un tren sobre el abismo"...
Jorge Larrosa: "Esta es una película de finales y de comienzos, de padres e hijos, de herencias y testamentos, de continuidades y discontinuidades, de amigos y compañeros, de productoras que cierran, de cineastas que visitan ruinas y cementerios, de festivales que se extinguen, de cines que se apagan, de cosas y personas acariciadas por el tiempo, de instantes que brillan y desaparecen mientras una cámara trata de fijarlas, del tiempo de la vida y del tiempo del cine."
Ver texto completo aquí. 

The reason or the unreason of its existence

I began this film many years ago. So many that, in some occasions, the director and producer Luis Miñarro -an inseparable part of this story- even told me that he no longer saw a purpose to the film and to the process of making it. To be honest, I have thought so myself several times. When you dedicate a life to filming, as it is my case, a moment can come in which you no longer dissociate life from cinema, and this communion can become, to say the least, obsessive and delicately dangerous. I can only film through a complete dedication, and that’s what this film offers, partly. On the other hand, ever since my directorial debut, “Fuente Álamo, la caricia del tiempo”, I love the idea of approaching the intimate in oneself in order to show -as much as possible, in a universal form- that which has made us who we are; this is another central point in this film.

And so, making it more or less sense, here we are, presenting an artistic work initiated in 2014 with the eviction of a production company; and perhaps -I tell to myself- the situation of our cinema might be another good reason to do this Uncertain Journey.

Along this path, my daughter was born, my parents grew older and so did I. In fact, when Abycine takes place (late October 2020), the moment this film will officially premiere, I will turn fifty. Be that as it may, if there is something true about the sense of things, is that some exist, with more or less sense, thanks to the perseverance, the effort and our wrestling with time and the circumstances surrounding us.

Pablo García Pérez De Lara

As a trailer

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Reflexión primera
A modo de trailer
Algunas citas

Some quotes

“To be a producer, one must know how to carry with dignity a handkerchief full of snot.”

Luis Miñarro

“As of today, I still don’t know why I started this uncertain journey. Even so, I’m already filming its remake.”

Pablo García Pérez de Lara

“Your grandfather planted these flowers, that’s why they remain.”

Pedro Carbonell

Fragmentos o instantes

Other fragments

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detalles de la producción
Production details

Production company: Producciones Doble Banda

Year of production: 2020

Genre:  Full-length documentary

Runtime:  102.00 '

Subtitled versions: English, French and Japanese

Technical specs:  Colour, 2K, S8, 16mm and others.

Cast and crew
Ficha técnica y artística

Cinematography, live sound, editing and direction:  Pablo García Pérez de Lara

Sound design: Verònica Font

With the collaboration of:

Luís Miñarro, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Pedro Costa, Alonso Izaguirre, Pedro Carbonell, Alicia García, Ramón García, Nuria Pérez de Lara, Isabel Rodríguez, Montse Padrós…

Idea y sinopsis


       "Dialogue from the everyday through images and sounds and stop at that threshold that intertwines life and cinema. Observation and pause are two delicate words in these times. 

To fear or avoid them would be to neglect our gaze.”


     Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Pedro Costa, Manoel de Oliveira, Luís Miñarro, and I, with our diverse gazes, we undertake this "Uncertain Journey", wandering around the threshold where life and cinema intertwine. 

Facing –as a citizen and as a filmmaker– the identity crisis that floods Europe, I look backwards in search for lights of hope, and I admire how my daughter Alicia, at the age of 4, stares happily at the clouds somewhere in La Mancha, in a place whose name I do care to remember: Fuente Álamo.


Pablo García Pérez de Lara

Un puñado de imagenes
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